SnapGene Version 5.2.1

SnapGene 5.2.1 was released on October 19, 2020.


  • Corrected an issue that prevented some email addresses from being recognized during activation.
    (Reported by Carl Brown)
  • Preserved feature and segment colors when opening sequences exported to the SnapGene variant of GenBank format.
    (Reported by Mike Coyne)
  • Fixed an issue with replacing a region around the numerical origin.
    (Reported by Aaron Wolfe)
  • Addressed a problem with editing sequence traces aligned to a reference sequence.
    (Reported by Antony Oliver, Meng Lim, and others)
  • Corrected a regression that caused T's to be converted to U's when reverse complementing a primer sequence.
    (Reported by several customers)
  • Improved the vertical placement of Bond features in protein sequences.
  • Fixed the "Select Range" and "Invert Selection" context menu actions for sequence traces on Windows.
  • Addressed various stability issues.

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