
Bacterial Flexi® Vector with an ampicillin resistance marker, for appending an N-terminal 8xHis-MBP-HRV 3C-tetracysteine-TEV cassette to an expressed protein.

Sequence Author: Center for Eukaryotic Structural Genomics

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PaeR7I - XhoI (37) XmnI (6871) BglI (6392) AhdI (6272) PciI (5379) BspQI - SapI (5263) NdeI (5202) BstZ17I (5152) PflFI - Tth111I (5126) FspAI (4959) PpuMI * (4942) BstEII (4307) EcoRV (4043) HpaI (3987) PluTI (3854) SfoI (3852) NarI * (3851) T5 promoter AanI (85) MfeI (95) lac operator RBS BseRI (151) ATG NsiI (183) BsiWI (474) AanI (536) BglII (543) BmgBI (726) BsaBI (859) AfeI (1094) PacI (1289) tetracysteine tag AsiSI - SgfI (1358) PmeI (2484) Eco53kI (2497) SacI (2499) PstI - SbfI (2532) SphI (2538) BsrGI (2641) AscI (2658) SgrDI (2673) BspDI - ClaI (2686) BstBI (2697) HindIII (2700) NheI (2818) BmtI (2822) KasI (3850) pVP33A 7228 bp