pEarleyGate 203
Gateway®-compatible plant transformation vector with an N-terminal Myc tag.
Sequence Author: Pikaard Lab
Explore Over 2.7k Plasmids: Plant Vectors | More Plasmid Sets
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EcoRV is reportedly more prone than its isoschizomer Eco32I to delete a base after cleavage. |
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Efficient cleavage requires at least two copies of the PluTI recognition sequence. |
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Efficient cleavage requires at least two copies of the NarI recognition sequence. |
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The 1-base overhangs produced by EcoNI may be hard to ligate.Sticky ends from different EcoNI sites may not be compatible. |
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BsiWI is typically used at 55°C, but is 50% active at 37°C. |
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Efficient cleavage requires at least two copies of the PaqCI recognition sequence. Sticky ends from different PaqCI sites may not be compatible.Cleavage can be improved with PaqCI Activator. |
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PshAI quickly loses activity at 37°C, but can be used at 25°C for long incubations. |
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PaeR7I does not recognize the sequence CTCTCGAG. |
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Sticky ends from different BstXI sites may not be compatible. |
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Sticky ends from different BstEII sites may not be compatible.BstEII is typically used at 60°C, but is 50% active at 37°C. |
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The 1-base overhangs produced by AhdI may be hard to ligate. Sticky ends from different AhdI sites may not be compatible. |
pVS1 RepA 7887 .. 8960 = 1074 bp 357 amino acids = 39.9 kDa Product: replication protein from Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 |
pVS1 RepA 7887 .. 8960 = 1074 bp 357 amino acids = 39.9 kDa Product: replication protein from Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 |
KanR 10,565 .. 11,359 = 795 bp 264 amino acids = 31.0 kDa Product: aminoglycoside phosphotransferase confers resistance to kanamycin |
KanR 10,565 .. 11,359 = 795 bp 264 amino acids = 31.0 kDa Product: aminoglycoside phosphotransferase confers resistance to kanamycin |
OCS terminator 4554 .. 5261 = 708 bp octopine synthase terminator |
OCS terminator 4554 .. 5261 = 708 bp octopine synthase terminator |
CmR 3006 .. 3665 = 660 bp 219 amino acids = 25.7 kDa Product: chloramphenicol acetyltransferase confers resistance to chloramphenicol |
CmR 3006 .. 3665 = 660 bp 219 amino acids = 25.7 kDa Product: chloramphenicol acetyltransferase confers resistance to chloramphenicol |
pVS1 StaA 6829 .. 7458 = 630 bp 209 amino acids = 22.1 kDa Product: stability protein from Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 |
pVS1 StaA 6829 .. 7458 = 630 bp 209 amino acids = 22.1 kDa Product: stability protein from Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 |
ori 9890 .. 10,478 = 589 bp high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of replication |
ori 9890 .. 10,478 = 589 bp high-copy-number ColE1/pMB1/pBR322/pUC origin of replication |
BlpR 373 .. 924 = 552 bp 183 amino acids = 20.6 kDa Product: phosphinothricin acetyltransferase confers resistance to bialophos or phosphinothricin |
BlpR 373 .. 924 = 552 bp 183 amino acids = 20.6 kDa Product: phosphinothricin acetyltransferase confers resistance to bialophos or phosphinothricin |
MAS promoter 930 .. 1310 = 381 bp mannopine synthase promoter (Velten et al., 1984) |
MAS promoter 930 .. 1310 = 381 bp mannopine synthase promoter (Velten et al., 1984) |
CaMV 35S promoter 2306 .. 2651 = 346 bp strong constitutive promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus |
CaMV 35S promoter 2306 .. 2651 = 346 bp strong constitutive promoter from cauliflower mosaic virus |
ccdB 4007 .. 4312 = 306 bp 101 amino acids = 11.7 kDa Product: CcdB, a bacterial toxin that poisons DNA gyrase Plasmids containing the ccdB gene cannot be propagated in standard E. coli strains. |
ccdB 4007 .. 4312 = 306 bp 101 amino acids = 11.7 kDa Product: CcdB, a bacterial toxin that poisons DNA gyrase Plasmids containing the ccdB gene cannot be propagated in standard E. coli strains. |
MAS terminator 111 .. 363 = 253 bp mannopine synthase terminator |
MAS terminator 111 .. 363 = 253 bp mannopine synthase terminator |
pVS1 oriV 9026 .. 9220 = 195 bp origin of replication for the Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 (Heeb et al., 2000) |
pVS1 oriV 9026 .. 9220 = 195 bp origin of replication for the Pseudomonas plasmid pVS1 (Heeb et al., 2000) |
bom 9564 .. 9704 = 141 bp basis of mobility region from pBR322 |
bom 9564 .. 9704 = 141 bp basis of mobility region from pBR322 |
attR2 4353 .. 4477 = 125 bp recombination site for the Gateway® LR reaction |
attR2 4353 .. 4477 = 125 bp recombination site for the Gateway® LR reaction |
attR1 2773 .. 2892 = 120 bp recombination site for the Gateway® LR reaction |
attR1 2773 .. 2892 = 120 bp recombination site for the Gateway® LR reaction |
TMV Ω 2681 .. 2735 = 55 bp translational enhancer from the tobacco mosaic virus 5'-leader sequence (Gallie et al., 1988) |
TMV Ω 2681 .. 2735 = 55 bp translational enhancer from the tobacco mosaic virus 5'-leader sequence (Gallie et al., 1988) |
ATG 2737 .. 2739 = 3 bp 1 amino acid = 149.2 Da Product: start codon |
ATG 2737 .. 2739 = 3 bp 1 amino acid = 149.2 Da Product: start codon |
Myc 2740 .. 2769 = 30 bp 10 amino acids = 1.2 kDa Product: Myc (human c-Myc oncogene) epitope tag |
Myc 2740 .. 2769 = 30 bp 10 amino acids = 1.2 kDa Product: Myc (human c-Myc oncogene) epitope tag |
lac UV5 promoter 2922 .. 2952 = 31 bp 3 segments Segment 1: -35 2922 .. 2927 = 6 bp E. coli lac promoter with an "up" mutation |
lac UV5 promoter 2922 .. 2952 = 31 bp 3 segments Segment 2: 2928 .. 2945 = 18 bp E. coli lac promoter with an "up" mutation |
lac UV5 promoter 2922 .. 2952 = 31 bp 3 segments Segment 3: -10 2946 .. 2952 = 7 bp E. coli lac promoter with an "up" mutation |
lac UV5 promoter 2922 .. 2952 = 31 bp 3 segments E. coli lac promoter with an "up" mutation |
LB T-DNA repeat 1 .. 25 = 25 bp left border repeat from nopaline C58 T-DNA |
LB T-DNA repeat 1 .. 25 = 25 bp left border repeat from nopaline C58 T-DNA |
RB T-DNA repeat 5505 .. 5529 = 25 bp right border repeat from nopaline C58 T-DNA |