
All-in-one lentiviral vector with a puromycin resistance marker, for strong inducible expression of genes using the Tet-On® system.

Sequence Author: Clontech (TaKaRa)

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SgrDI (8859) SspI (8742) PvuI (8308) DrdI (7156) PciI (7048) BmtI (6664) NheI (6660) KpnI (5878) Acc65I (5874) Bsu36I (5870) PstI (5754) PflMI (5390) MluI (5136) BstEII (4670) RsrII (4652) FseI (1150) BbvCI - Bpu10I (1424) AleI (1577) KflI - PpuMI (1934) cPPT/CTS BamHI (2496) AgeI - SgrAI (2508) MCS BstZ17I (2516) EcoRI (2522) PaeR7I - PspXI - XhoI (2893) BstXI (2915) hPGK promoter SpeI (3168) AscI (3257) XbaI (3444) BfuAI - BspMI (3998) NdeI (4020) SfiI (4465) AvrII (4512) PflFI - Tth111I (4578) BsiWI (4592) pLVX-TetOne™-Puro 9227 bp